
Nokia Morph | Nanotechnology, the future of mobile phones


What is the Nokia Morph about? Nokia Morph is a joint nanotechnology concept, developed by Nokia Research Center (NRC) and the University of Cambridge (UK). The Morph demonstrates how future mobile devices might be stretchable and flexible, allowing the user to transform their mobile devices into radically different shapes. It demonstrates th... continue reading

Robotix 2013 - Revisited!


ROBOTIX 2013, conducted during Kshitij, IIT Kharagpur’s annual technical fest, was an ensemble of events designed to test the mettle of the best robotics enthusiasts and coders from across the country. Its reach extended to all corners of India, bringing in teams from as far as Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. Robotix currently sees the biggest participa... continue reading

Curiosity on Mars!


NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity just might be the latest in a long line of Mars-exploring robots to discover the building blocks for primitive life on the Red Planet. The Curiosity rover may have gathered evidence for the presence of perchlorates in Rocknest – a sand patch inside the rover’s Gale Crater landing site on the Red Planet, scientists ... continue reading

exTouch – Manipulation of actuated objects by Augmented Reality


Created at the Tangible Media Group at the MIT in collaboration with Sony Corporation, exTouch creates Spatially-Aware Embodied Manipulation of Actuated Objects Mediated by Augmented Reality._ _In other words exTouch is an interface system that allows you to manipulate actuated objects in space using augmented reality. The “exTouch” system ext... continue reading

DOMO - A Robust Robot for the Elderly


For more than a decade, roboticists have worked on systems for the elderly, hoping to extend the amount of time that seniors can live at home and improve their quality of life. Now MIT researchers have built a humanoid robot with a special motion-tracking system and spring-loaded actuators that make it better equipped to deal with household ch... continue reading

Robots with emotions a possibility


PERNEM: Ever wonder how convenient life would be if the often tiresome tasks like cleaning your home could be completely automated. Well, that convenience could be a reality soon as robots will make life more comfortable for humans by performing tasks that humans find repetitive or at times even unsafe. This observation was made by Surendranath... continue reading

Robot Lets You Be in Two Places at Once


After a long day at the South by Southwest (SXSW) interactive trade show, Susie Kim and her colleagues took a leisurely two-block stroll back to their hotel in downtown Austin. Except that Kim never left her office in southern California, on the other side of the country. Nor did her other colleagues at Suitable T... continue reading

Paralyzed Patient Thinks 'Walk,' and Then Walks


Thousands of people every year suffer spinal cord injuries and lose their ability to walk. An brain-controlled exoskeleton that moves a patient’s legs could be one way to get some patients out of wheelchairs. A multinational consortium led by Belgian company Space Applications Services has designed the mindwalker, which is a frame – the exoskel... continue reading

Bat-Robot Sheds Light on Flapping Flight


We’ve had robots inspired by cheetahs, sand fleas, geckos and birds. Now engineers at Brown University have built a robot inspired by the bat. It doesn’t fly on its own yet – the robo-bat is still attached to a kind of arm in a wind tunnel. It does, however, mimic the wing shape and motion of the lesser dog-faced fruit bat. The robot itself i... continue reading

Brainstorming A.C.R.O.S.S 3 - Grid Navigation


Introduction This tutorial covers the navigation of an autonomous bot on a grid without obstacles. The same code however can be easily modified for a grid with obstacles. An arduino code file is provided at the end. Materials Used Arduino Leonardo Line follower Hardware (Sensors, Motor drivers, Bot Chasis etc.) LCD Display (for Debugging purp... continue reading